Investing without a purpose is just like -

driving a car, without knowing where to Go!

We are banker of your dream!

We make sure that you achieve all your Financial Goals with right amount in right duration.

There can be multiple point of cash flow which needs to be arranged for, to avoid any sudden financial crisis or shortfall

Advantage of Investing in Mutual Funds:

  • Transparency : Daily NAV
  • Safety : Regulated by SEBI
  • Low Risk : Due to Diversification
  • Low Cost : Due to investment in Pool
  • Liquidity : Open Ended in nature
  • Tax Efficient : Check Taxation details
  • Better returns : Historically proven

Methods of Investing :

  • Lumpsum: While investing lumpsum, you need to select funds with better tax efficiency and better growth potential
  • Recurring or Systematic ( SIP): While investing through SIP, you need to select funds with high beta to take cost averaging advantage

Type of Mutual Fund Products :

Every mutual fund product is divided into one of these five Risk category , as defined and mandated by SEBI

The below table gives a snapshot of risk profiles of some mutual fund categories as promoted by us:

Low Risk Moderately Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderately High Risk
Liquid Funds Short-duration Funds, Ultra Short-duration Funds Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs) Large Cap Funds, Mid and Small Cap Funds, Balanced Funds

RBI Bond Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)

Government of India has announced to launch Floating Rate Savings Bonds, 2020 (Taxable) scheme commencing from July 01, 2020 to enable Resident Indians/HUF to invest in a taxable bond, without any monetary ceiling

Use details exactly from this link

54EC Bonds

54EC bonds, or capital gains bonds, are one of the best way to save long-term capital gain tax. 54EC bonds are specifically meant for investors earning long-term capital gains and would like tax exemption on these gains. Tax deduction is available under section 54EC of the Income Tax Act. 54EC bonds do not allow any tax exemption on short-term capital gains tax. Invest in 54EC bonds to get benefits of tax deduction. The maximum limit for investing in 54EC bonds is Rs. 50,00,000. The eligible bonds under Section 54EC are REC (Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd), PFC (Power Finance Corporation Ltd) and NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) and IRFC (Indian Railways Finance Corporation Limited).

Fixed Deposits

Fixed deposit is investment instruments offered by banks and non-banking financial companies, where you can deposit money for a higher rate of interest than savings accounts. You can deposit a lump sum of money in fixed deposit for a specific period, which varies for every financier.

Once the money is invested with a reliable financier, it starts earning an interest based on the duration of the deposit. Usually, the defining criteria for FD is that the money cannot be withdrawn before maturity, but you may withdraw them after paying a penalty.


Fixed deposit is investment instruments offered by banks and non-banking financial companies, where you can deposit money for a higher rate of interest than savings accounts. You can deposit a lump sum of money in fixed deposit for a specific period, which varies for every financier.

Once the money is invested with a reliable financier, it starts earning an interest based on the duration of the deposit. Usually, the defining criteria for FD is that the money cannot be withdrawn before maturity, but you may withdraw them after paying a penalty.

So, which risk profile is suitable for you?

You can understand which risk profile is suitable for you with the help of the below table:

Risk Profile Type of Investor
Low Risk Investors willing to accept low returns for high safety of principal amount.
Moderately Low Risk Investors willing to take a small amount of risk for potential returns.
Moderate Risk Investors willing to accept a moderate level of risk for moderate returns.
Moderately High Risk Investors willing to take relatively high risk for high returns.
High Risk Investors willing to lose capital for significantly high returns.

Investment Vridhi encourages you to align your Risk profile with the product Risk profile. Remember,
everytime you make your investments, you must score your self ( under the scale of 0 to 10) in terms of : S : Safety | L : Liquidity | R : Returns

Say example, you give 8 points to Safety then you are left with 1 point each for Liquidity and returns . And if you give 8 points to Returns the you are left with 1 point each for Safety and Lqiuidity.
So it is a simple game of Risk vs Reward ! You have decide the quantum of Risk according to your desired reward.

Our commitment to our investors : We provide you the most suitable product for investments and your wealth growth. We have a special Risk Profiling process in place to do the same

-Mrigendra Kumar Mishra, Chief Counsellor    

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Disclaimer: is an online website of Mrigendra Kumar Mishra who is registered vide ARN- 18212 as a AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor since 25.09.2003. Current validity of ARN is till 04.10.2024. The said website is intends to provide educative and informative details related to investments and also provide online transaction facility in Mutual Funds. We do not charge any fees for these calculators and information, because we earn our commissions from the Mutual Fund companies. The website does not guarantee any returns or financial goal success by any means.

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